Registration Procedure

Registration Procedure


Section-A below  presents registration procedure for fresh students and Section-B  outlines registration procedure for returning students.

A. Registration Procedure for Fresh Students

Step 1 - Payment of Acceptance Fee:

  • Log into your portal account, navigate to 'Student Menu'
  • Click on  'Acceptance Fee Payment'  to generate  invoice for payment of acceptace fee.
  • Payment can be made using the online payment facility provided in the portal or via any bank branch.

Step 2 - Print Admission Letter:

  • Once payment of accepetance fee is confirmed, click on 'Print Admission Letter" in the  student menu section to print your admission letter.

Step 3 - Uploading Copies of Original Credential:

  • In the user menu section click on 'Upload Credentials' to upload clear copies of your original credentials for Departmental verification and acceptance.

Step 4 - Verification of Uploaded Credentials:

  • Academic Departments  to conduct online verification of uploaded credentials in order to accept or reject an admission into their respective programs.

Step 5 - Medical Screening by University Health Services:

  • Students accepted by Department after online verifcation of their credential are to  log into their portal account to print Medical Screening Invoice.
  • Once payment is apprroved, students should print evidence of payment and  report to University Health Service for medical screening

Step 6 - Registration Fee Payment:

  • Payment invoices listed below are to be activated after  medical screening.  In the  portal account, print and make payment of the relevant invoices:
    i.   University Registration Fee
    ii   Students Affairs and Unions Charges
    iii. Hostel accommodation (optional)


Step 7 -Update Bio-Data and Process Courses Reistration:

  • i.   In the portal account, click on "Bio-Data Form" to update the relevant entries in the form and to obtain "Registration Number".
  • ii.  Naviagate to  "Courses Registration" to process and print Courses Registration Form (CRF)
  • iii. Obtain ID card generated by the portal.

Step 8:  Hostel Accomodation

  • Navigate to the user-menu section in your portal accoun
  • Click on "Hostel Accomodation" to generate Hostel Allocation Payment Invoice.
  • After successfull payment  click on  "Verify Hostel Allocation" to print  "Hostel Allocation Confirmation Form".
  • Proceed to Students Affairs Unit.


B. Registration Procedure for Returning Students

Step 1 - Required Payments:

  • Log into your portal account, navigate to 'Student Menu'
  • Click on the links stated below  to make payment for each of the category:
    i.   University Registration Fee
    ii   Students Affairs and Unions Charges
    iii. Hostel accommodation (optional)


Step 2 - Update Bio-Data and Process Courses Reistration:

  • Once all payments are approved, student will be allowed to proceed with online registration as follows:
  • i.   In the portal account, click on "Bio-Data Form" to update the relevant entries in the form
  • ii.  Navigate to  "Courses Registration" to process and print Courses Registration Form (CRF)

Step 3:  Hostel Accomodation

  • Navigate to the user-menu section in your portal accoun
  • Click on "Hostel Accomodation" to generate Hostel Allocation Payment Invoice.
  • After successfull payment  click on  "Verify Hostel Allocation" to print  "Hostel Allocation Confirmation Form".
  • Proceed to Students Affairs Unit.


Wish you all the best


202330380453HF's picture
202330380453HF Log in to post comments

Please how make medical screening

December 07, 2023 at 03:14 am
202330380453HF's picture
202330380453HF Log in to post comments

Please how to make medical screening

December 07, 2023 at 03:15 am
UG17/SCED/1001's picture
UG17/SCED/1001 Log in to post comments


December 07, 2023 at 07:03 am
202330413022GA's picture
202330413022GA Log in to post comments


December 07, 2023 at 05:05 pm
202330398080AF's picture
202330398080AF Log in to post comments

I had a text message by spgs kust that my admission has been accepted by the department of kust-wudil. yet to the my portal, I am not able to print registration & medical screening invoices.

December 07, 2023 at 06:05 pm
202290029374IF's picture
202290029374IF Log in to post comments

The registration procedure on how to generate invoices and make payment is clearly outlined under the menu item Registration Procedure. You can visit Internet cafe ask them to help you generate Registration Fee Payment Invoice by login to your portal account using your JAMB No as Username and Password

December 20, 2023 at 01:15 pm
UG21/ARCH/1043's picture
UG21/ARCH/1043 Log in to post comments

When are we starting our registration? We've already spent 4 months at home now.

December 11, 2023 at 09:41 am
developer's picture
developer Log in to post comments

Registration is currently going on. Login to your portal account to start the registration process as lectures are to commence this week.

December 17, 2023 at 08:01 pm
202210246314DA's picture
202210246314DA Log in to post comments

The portal have refuse to let us complete our registration fees such as student affair and sug Union what is the problem with the portal

December 18, 2023 at 04:25 pm
UG21/SOSC/1057's picture
UG21/SOSC/1057 Log in to post comments

Hello I wan't pay the student affairs and school Union their money, which following way am I going to follow to rech directly to the payment details in my using phone?

December 19, 2023 at 03:26 am
202331563997JF's picture
202331563997JF Log in to post comments

Please why is jamb delaying my admission sir,I have checked,and yet they've not given And how do I know if my uploaded credentials has been screaned and approved by the school?

December 19, 2023 at 04:33 am
UG14/ELEE/1056's picture
UG14/ELEE/1056 Log in to post comments

Student affairs invoice

December 20, 2023 at 07:39 am
UG14/ELEE/1056's picture
UG14/ELEE/1056 Log in to post comments

Student affairs invoice

December 20, 2023 at 07:39 am
202330499515DF's picture
202330499515DF Log in to post comments

When will the registration end?

December 21, 2023 at 08:09 am
UG14/ELEE/1056's picture
UG14/ELEE/1056 Log in to post comments

Pls respond to us we need to pay our sug students affairs and others but it seems blank till now

December 21, 2023 at 12:22 pm
202330499515DF's picture
202330499515DF Log in to post comments

When is the registration going to end?

December 22, 2023 at 11:22 am
UG20/SPED/1175's picture
UG20/SPED/1175 Log in to post comments

How to print student Union and student affairs receipt

December 28, 2023 at 10:21 am
202210748662JA's picture
202210748662JA Log in to post comments

Please I got admission as postgraduates instead of Undergraduate I need help please

December 30, 2023 at 05:56 pm
202211248441HF's picture
202211248441HF Log in to post comments

I can't log into my portal please

January 09, 2024 at 06:10 am
202211248441HF's picture
202211248441HF Log in to post comments

I can't log into my portal please

January 09, 2024 at 06:11 am
202211245996EFU's picture
202211245996EFU Log in to post comments

Hello sir. I'm waiting for the screening of my documents

January 12, 2024 at 01:34 am
UG17/SPED/1158's picture
UG17/SPED/1158 Log in to post comments


February 07, 2024 at 04:41 am
UG21/BIOC/1091's picture
UG21/BIOC/1091 Log in to post comments

Hello sir am trying to pay my sister the rest of her registration fee but her Portal is not entering I don't know why, but she changed department and she didn't get a new registration number UG21/sped/1070, pls sir reply

March 10, 2024 at 03:14 am
202330239634DA's picture
202330239634DA Log in to post comments

Pls how can i check my exam time table in my portal?

April 20, 2024 at 05:25 am
UG20/HHED/1064's picture
UG20/HHED/1064 Log in to post comments

Pls how can I reprint my 2022/2023 registration receipt?

July 23, 2024 at 12:57 pm

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