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NELFUND: Application Cycle for 2024/2025 Academic Session

Note: Only Students that updated their Bio-data Form by adding their NIN in the University's Portal before 10th March, 2005, would be in the List of Approved Students for the 2024/2025 NELFUND Application Cycle.

The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) has announced the commencement of  Application Cycle for the 2024/2025 academic year students' loan.

The University is currently updating its students’ database to effectively ascertain dropouts, correspondance in names of students and to ease the dfficulties that were associated with NIN verifcation in the NELFUND Application Cycle of 2023/2024 academic session.

In this regard, students are required to update their Bio-Data form in the Portal to include/ensure the following:

  1. National Identification Number (NIN)
  2. Correct JAMB No.
  3. Surname, First-name and Other-name  corresponds correctly with the names on NIN Slip.

Late Registration Period for 2024/2025 Academic Session

The approved period for payment of registration fees of 2024/2025 academic session elapsed by midnight of Friday 21st February 2025.

Non-compliance to register within the approved registration period means an addition of late registration fee of N500 (Five Hundred Naira) per day, up to the date when a student settle all categories of registration fees, within the stipulated late registration period.
The late registration period is two weeks, starting from 22nd February 2025, after which there would be complete closure of all registratin activities for the 2024/2025 academic session.

Registration Procedure.

Section-A  outlines registration procedure for fresh students and Section-B below, presents registration procedure for returning students.

A. Registration Procedure for Fresh Students

Step 1 - Payment of Acceptance Fee:

  • Login to portal account, navigate to 'Student Menu'
  • Click on 'Acceptance Fee' to generate acceptance fee payment invoice.
  • Make payment using online payment facility of the portal or via any bank branch.


Step 2 - Print Admission Letter:

  • Once payment of Acceptance Fee is confirmed, click on 'Print Admission Notification Slip" to print Admission Notification Slip which is to be presented for Departmental Screening.


Step 3 - Departmental Verification of Uploaded Credentials:

  • Admitted candidates are expected to physically present their "Admission Notification Slip" to their respective Departments for "Online Acceptance or Rejection" by Departments.


Step 4 - Print Admission Letter:

  • Admission Letter can be printed only after the "Online Acceptance" by the Department.


Step 5 - Medical Screening by University Health Services:

  • Click on "Medical Screening Fee" to generate Medical Screening Invoice for Payment of Medical Screening Fee.
  • Once payment is approved, print "Medical Screening Form" and report to University Health Service for medical screening


Step 6 - Registration Fee Payment:

  • Payment invoices listed below are to be activated after payment of Acceptance Fee and Mecial Screening Fee. Process and make make payment of the relevant invoices:
    University Registration Fee
    Students Affairs and Unions Charges
    Hostel accommodation (optional)

Step 7 -Update Bio-Data and Process Courses Registration Form (CRF):

  • In the portal account, click on "Bio-Data Form" to update the relevant entries in the form and to obtain "Registration Number".
  • Navigate to "Courses Registration" to process and print Courses Registration Form (CRF)
  • Collect ID card generated by the portal from Students Affairs Unit.

Step 8:  Hostel Accommodation

  • Navigate to the user-menu section in the portal account
  • Click on "Hostel Accommodation" to generate Hostel Allocation Payment Invoice.
  • After successful payment click on "Hostel Accommodation" to print "Hostel Allocation Confirmation Form".
  • Proceed to Students Affairs Unit.


B. Registration Procedure for Returning Students

Step 1 - Required Payments:

  • Login to portal account, navigate to 'Students' Menu'
  • Click on the links stated below to process and make make payment of the relevant invoices:
    University Registration Fee
    Students Affairs and Unions Charges
    Hostel accommodation (optional)

Step 2 - Update Bio-Data and Process Courses Registration Form (CRF):

  • Once all payments are approved, student will be allowed to proceed with online registration as follows:
  • In the portal account, click on "Bio-Data Form" to update the relevant entries in the form
  • Navigate to "Courses Registration" to process and print Courses Registration Form (CRF)


Step 3:  Hostel Accommodation

  • Navigate to the user-menu section in the portal account
  • Click on "Hostel Accommodation" to generate Hostel Allocation Payment Invoice.
  • After successful payment click on "Verify Hostel Allocation" to print "Hostel Allocation Confirmation Form".
  • Proceed to Students Affairs Unit.